Community Survey: Impact of Closure of Tulane Medical Center

LCMC bought Tulane Medical Center (Tulane) from HCA and plans to shut down the hospital by the end of next year. What does this mean for you?

When Tulane closes, New Orleans will lose a Emergency Room downtown and one of the state's three comprehensive stroke
centers-- which provides the highest level of stroke care. Wait times for services might be longer. Access to life-saving care will be harder to get.

Patients will likely have to travel to Jefferson Parish for care. With only LCMC and Ochsner to choose from, healthcare costs will probably go up while the quality of care may go down. Nurses’ jobs will be harder, which may mean we lose nurses.

The community needs to know about the coming changes and should have a say in what happens. Please fill out this survey to share how the closure of Tulane Medical Center might affect you.


El hospital Tulane Medical Center ha sido adquirido por LCMC. Como resultado, el hospital va cerrar antes del final del 2024.

Cuando el hospital cierre, New Orleans va a perder otro salón de emergencia y uno de los únicos centros de apoplejía en la ciudad. Tiempos de espera serán mas largos. Acceso a cuidado de salud será mas difícil.

Los pacientes probablemente van a tener que viajar a East Jefferson para servicios médicos. El costo de cuidado medico probable va a subir mientras que la calidad del cuidado medico empeora. Los trabajos de enfermeros serán mas difícil.

La comunidad necesita saber lo que está pasando. Por favor llene la encuesta para aprender sobre el impacto de la venta del hospital y el cierre del hospital.

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    How concerned are you about the following other issues regarding the sale and closure of Tulane Medical Center? //// Estas preocupado por los siguients asuntos con respeto a la venta y el cierre del hospital Tulane Medical Center?